Terms and Conditions Cars




22AG Madeira Rent a Car, é uma marca da Empresa Portuguesa “Arraial Colorido, Lda” com sede na Rua do Curaçau, Nº. 10, 9000-093, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.


O aluguer é válido em toda a Ilha da Madeira.


O período mínimo de locação é de 24 horas. O período máximo de aluguer é de 31 dias. A prorrogação do período de aluguer exige a assinatura de um novo contrato de aluguer.


22AGMadeira has a complain book available to customers in physical form at its office and digitally on the website:



The vehicle to be rented will be inspected upon delivery and collection by 22AG Madeira and the customer, thus verifying the conditions of the vehicle to be rented. The premature return of the vehicle by the customer will not incur a refund of the amount paid for the rental.

The delay in returning the vehicle, which exceeds 30 minutes, without the customer having informed 22AG Madeira, implies the payment of an administrative fee in the amount of €50 to be charged when returning the vehicle.


Os nossos preços incluem:

  • Milhagem ilimitada
  • Impostos locais correntes (IVA);
  • Compulsory insurance with deductible or insurance without deductible;
  • Veículo de substituição em caso de acidente;
  • Taxa de serviço aeroportuário;
  • Possibility of payment at destination;
  • Serviço de contato de emergência.

Os nossos preços não incluem:

  • Combustível;
  • Optional coverage;
  • Additional extras to be applied in total rental days.
  • Perda de cadeirinhas infantis.
  • Damage / Loss / Theft of keys, antenna, jack, safety triangle, reflective vest, windshield wipers, fuel filler cap, luggage rack or any other mobile or fixed component of the vehicle.
  • Danos no motor devido a negligência.
  • Theft of the vehicle with the keys in the ignition.
  • Loss / Damage / Theft of personal effects.


A entrega e a devolução da viatura terão lugar nas instalações da 22AG Madeira, em local a combinar ou no aeroporto da Madeira. A viatura estará identificada através de autocolantes estampados aplicados na traseira e laterais do veículo e é entregue com as ferramentas normais, triângulo de sinalização, colete refletor e uma roda sobressalente, Run Flat ou sistema de Kit Anti Furo.



Mandatory presentation of Citizen Card, Identity Card, Driving License, and/or valid passport, as well as Taxpayer number. The driver must be at least 19 years old and have a valid driving license for at least one year (12 months). There is no maximum age. An additional cost of €6 per day will be charged for an additional driver.

The original contract, single vehicle document, proof of motor vehicle civil liability insurance policy and inspection form, when applicable, will be delivered to the customer. If the Vehicle is not returned with the documents delivered at the start of the rental, the cost of €80 per missing document will be charged, as well as an administrative fee for handling them in the amount of €50.


O custo do aluguer poderá ser pago no ato da reserva ou na entrega do veículo. São aceites cartões de crédito válidos: Visa e Master Card. São aceites cartões de Debito. O titular do cartão de crédito terá de estar presente no ato de levantamento do veículo. Para pagamento com outro meio (transferência bancária, American Express ou outros), contactar a 22AGMadeira através do telefone +(351) 916 311 016 ou por email para reservas@22AG Madeira.com.


Poderá ser exigida uma caução em cartão de crédito ou débito, cujo valor varia consoante o grupo do veículo reservado, de forma a garantir custos inerentes a possíveis danos causados ou sofridos na viatura alugada. Após a verificação de inexistência de danos ou custos, inerentes ao contrato de aluguer, o depósito da franquia será reembolsado através do mesmo meio utilizado para o pagamento da mesma.


As viaturas podem estar equipadas com extras opcionais que estarão incluídos no preço final, desde que sejam selecionados aquando a realização da reserva.


Os preços dos serviços extras são exibidos na página de reserva.

The vehicle must be returned with the same amount of fuel it was delivered with. If it is not returned with the same amount, the missing fuel will be charged. The calculation of this amount will be €25 for each quarter of the missing deposit. The missing amount will be communicated by 22AG Madeira to the customer when returning the Vehicle. An administrative fee of €50 will be charged for restocking. 22AG Madeira is not responsible for damages caused due to mistake in the type of fuel that is supplied. It will always be the responsibility of the driver to pay the damages caused.


Alterações: O Cliente pode modificar ou alterar a sua reserva, gratuitamente até 48 antes do aluguer ter início. Novos preços de aluguer podem ser aplicados ao modificar a reserva. Deverá ser usado os mesmos canais de comunicação que foram usados na reserva do veículo.

Cancelamentos: A devolução devida ao cancelamento de uma reserva será feita do seguinte modo: 100% até 120h antes do início do aluguer, 50% até 48h antes do início do aluguer e 25% até menos de 48 horas. As devoluções e cancelamentos não incluem taxas



Cleaning fee, to be charged between €50 and €150 if the returned vehicle is dirtier than its contractual use, particularly if its interior is dirty, muddy, with sand or a bad smell of tobacco.

Todos os nossos veículos têm uma política de Não-fumantes.


Pets are allowed in 22AG Madeira rental vehicles as long as they are duly informed at the time of booking. Customers must keep pets in pet carriers and return the rental car clean and free of pet hair. If the returned vehicle is found to be dirty, due to non/misuse of the animal carrier, an additional cleaning fee of €150 will be charged.


Em caso de acidente contactar a 22AG Madeira, para que possa aconselhar o cliente em todo o processo. Caso se justifique, recomenda-se ao cliente ligar para a Assistência em Viagem e/ou para as autoridades Policiais (112), chamar ambulância em caso que existam feridos, obter dos outros condutores envolvidos: Nome, morada e nº de telefone, Nº carta de condução, data e local de emissão, marca, modelo e matrícula dos outros veículos, Apólice de seguro e companhia de seguros

As a result of using the wrong fuel, the customer will have to pay the following costs: Running out of fuel: €250; Wrong fuel, without causing damage to the mechanics or engine: €380 to €500, including towing (plus missing fuel);

Wrong fuel with damage to the mechanics or engine will be subject to a quote from a specialized mechanical workshop.

Other costs caused by negligence:

Dead battery due to negligence: €200;

Puncture and/or damage that only destroys the tire: €175 to €400. In some cases, it may be necessary to buy two new tyres as Portuguese legislation does not allow vehicles with different tyres to circulate.

A fee will always be charged for damage, scratches or destruction of rims in the amount of €130 to €600, to be charged to the deposit, plus an administrative fee in the amount of €50 for handling the same.

While the vehicle is stopped due to any type of repair, a fee of €35 per day will be charged up to a maximum of €525 (15 days)

Loss of Keys €200 to €500.

An administrative fee of €50 will be charged for the treatment of damage caused by negligence.


A 22AG Madeira disponibiliza em caso de avaria ou acidente, um serviço de Assistência em Viagem 24h: garantindo o transporte da viatura e dos seus ocupantes para a 22AG Madeira mais próxima. Assegura também uma viatura de substituição igual ou similar num prazo máximo de 24h.


The payment of traffic fines or infractions during the rental period are the responsibility of the lessee. An administrative fee of €50 per infraction will be charged for handling fines. These administration fees are paid in addition to the amount of the fines, and the customer is fully responsible for paying them in full.


The rental rates include the coverage of the Compulsory Car Insurance and Civil Liability for damages against third parties arising from the use and circulation of the vehicle. 22AG Madeira offers two additional options: Medium and Premium. (Coverage for the driver of the vehicle and all occupants), which can be added when booking.

22AG Madeira is not responsible for theft, theft or damage to customer objects that are inside the vehicle. In the event of theft, total or partial theft of the vehicle, the customer undertakes to inform 22AG Madeira by telephone, within a maximum period of 24 hours, as well as inform the Police authorities.


AG Madeira only collects and processes personal data directly provided by the customer in order to fulfill and manage pre-contractual and contractual obligations; marketing; comply with legal obligations; manage user records; rights and property; accounting, tax and administrative management and will be used solely and exclusively for the identified purposes.


In case of dispute, 22AG Madeira has a Customer Support service available through geral@22AG Madeira.com

The customer or 22AG Madeira may submit the resolution of the dispute to the competent Courts, which may be the Courts of their residence or those of the country of rental, without prejudice to being able to address the alternative dispute resolution bodies indicated on the Portal do Consumer at www.consumidor.pt


A 22AG Madeira reserva-se o direito de alterar estas condições gerais sem aviso prévio.

22AG Madeira, through this document rents to the customer who signed, the vehicle described in the terms and conditions of this document, by virtue of which, the customer is aware and agrees.




Declaro que li e aceito as condições descritas neste contrato:


    ________________________                    ____/____/____

            Assinatura / Signature                               Data/Date



Thank you for renting with 22AG Madeira!